Marco LUNDI, a technique...
Marco LUNDI, a former student in masterpiece restoration of the school of Le Louvres Museum, in Paris and the Cathedral de Chartres, is a multifaceted artist.
He can alternately be an impressionist, surrealist or figurative painter. He holds an old technique using pigments, oils and resins, and depicts Polynesia with all its colors and traditions.
His work is amazingly sensitive, creative and varied, with a classical touch especially regarding his monochromes made from natural soils. Altought subdued by nature, he is without question an amazing, original and surprising contemporary painter, whose old technique with oil, resins and pigments, is without equal in Polynesia.
And his quote can not stop growing up.
Marco LUNDI, a career...
Born on April 25th, 1960 in Poitiers (Vienne – France), Marco LUNDI was interested in drawing and painting from the youngest age. Son of an artist, his father taught him the techniques when he was only 5, of what was to become later his passion : painting.
Between 10 and 12 years old, he began selling his first canvases. He left school and devoted himself entirely to painting through the age of 18, at which time he entered “l’école du Louvre” (The Louvres School of Painting in Paris) as a student in Masterpiece Restoration (1978 – 1982). He continued his apprenticeship in the “Cathédrale de Chartres” until 1984.
Then came a number of exhibitions in Paris, in particular with the famous French artist DELVAUX. He was introduced to the famous Luc BESSON, for whom he created several frescoes.
In 1988, Marco left Paris for Provence, the South of France. He settled in the countryside and again dedicated himself to his paintings. Recognized for his frescoes and particularly his technique, he was chosen to undertake restauration work in the private “Chapelle de Majastre” in Bauduen (France), where he met famed Bernard BUFFET. During those years, he held several exhibitions in the South East of France as well as on the “Côte d’Azur”. He obtained several awards for his work of art. His creations are particularly detailed, varied, and offer an explosion of colors. They enthuse those who discover them.
Marco LUNDI, an influence...
Following in the footsteps of Gauguin, Marco discovered French Polynesia in 1997. With his paint and paint brushes in a travel bag, he explored the islands of Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora where he lives today. Immediately thereafter, the Polynesian influence reflected strongly in his paintings. After some special orders from private collectors, Marco began organizing his own expositions, the first one took place in 2000, in a famous hotel in Bora Bora (Hotel Bora Bora Lagoon Resort). It was a success, as were all that followed.
2007, a retrospectif of his 10 years of work in French polynesia is organised in a famous gallery of Papeete (Tahiti).
2008, he has discovered the Suzanne Suzuki's speach (réf. video on the top right of this page) and very chocked, he decided to give 1 year to prepare a exhibition for 2009 : VEGETAL OBSESSION.
His work is now exhibited in exclusivity in the Pakalola Art Gallery, in the Bora Bora Vaitape Village, near the post office (2nd floor).
Marco LUNDI, an artist with many skills...
Marco LUNDI excels in many different artistic fields : when he was 18, he met Edith PIAF’s song writer, Mr Constancelli. Through this association, he developed his talent for music. Today, not only he is a well known painter, he is a well a very talented musician mastering the piano, trumpet, flute, guitar and ukulele. And if it was not enough, he is an accomplished tennis man and spirited fisherman.
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Marco Lundi's Paintings & Posters are ONLY at
(near the Post Office)
Vaitape - BORA BORA
Phone : 00 689/87 70 75 60